
How To Handphone LCD Healthy

Use handphone is a easy matter,especially for handphone is new.But one of step for take care handphone LCD,is part from handphone for use appear text data and picture,is always complint from owner.It is I hope that help you become be carefull take care your handphone LCD.
First,if you buy new handphone and guarrante,better don’t hurried follow trend change your lamp handphone screen.Because it is make your loss guarrante from your place buy handphone.If step turn lamp LCD not tidy and good,so you can multiple loose.And your handphone so broken,the LCD won’t back again,and loss guarrante.
Second,from experience,handphone is to fast by time two years or more will to experience decreased skill for LCD.If true happen the your LCD screen is blur,let contact service center and change your handphone LCD.
Third,don’t exceedingl always your handphone overthrown,if that will do LCD can broken.
Fourth,effort don’t your handphone LCD to press.It is very important.If till in press condition,LCD screen will expend liquid’s.Then your handphone LCD will pass blank.
Fifth,effort don’t till your handphone LCD hit sun light,because can decreased work and quality liquid crystal in LCD it.
Last,if you want change cover,effort find cover is size proper with original cover.Interval cover non original usually very near and inclined press the screen handphone LCD.So,listen interval front cover with your LCD screen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your eng some gg.

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