
Handphone Kill Bee?

Several year ago maybe we can’t enjoy a honey sweet.”Commotion handphone radiation,total colony bee be decrease”,like that say scientist.Even there are also guess it can cause harvest foal.Mentioned rizet become new theory impack handphone radiation and gadget tool others for answer one from many peculliar mystery can happen in the nature like decreased be on big total in a manner suddenly.

Bee expert chassify this phenomena begin from AS,then to Europe sehlf,and now ready happen in the England.In a manner theory,handphone radiation result in disturb system bee navigation,so that bee difficult for find home’s again.Certainly hear immposible,now also not yet a proof to streng then it.

Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD),happened when a group bee in a hoe suddenly disappear,and left only a queen bee,egg and some labour bee is not yet adult.Adult bees more find die far from home’s.Peculliar parasite,wild animals and other bee is usually in vade honey and flower essence leave,parry approach home’s a ready leave.

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