
YouTube Continue Get Prosecution

May month can to say month the most busy for YouTube lawyer.Because many law prosecution to give to site video sharing the most famous it,is related with evade the law copyright althought video content is to consider insult.YouTube is a site video sharing is enable all people for send video file so that can to show site visitor.Actually beginning consept is video to publish form personal collection,but later many appear video is related with copyright.

This situation is make EPL prosecution YouTube because appear video hit England league match.On prosecution it to mentionYouTube already push evade the law copyright is result in lost commercial value from England league match.Prosecution is more or less same also do Viacom,giant television media is have MTV and Nickelodeon.Viacom tell about be found 160.000 clips is to publish in the YouTube and already to show 1.5 million people.Viacom also demand US$ 1 million.

Prosecution last more do by Thailand government.This time not about evade the law copyright,but some video content is illustrate insult about Thailand King,Bhumibol Adulyadej.On a video is to send executive not to know,to show picture King is side by side with foot.This situation belong to serious insult about selfesteem Thailand country,and this fact is push ministry Information and Communication Thailand give protest to YouTube.

Thailand famous firmly closed in the processing insult executive,like Swiss citizen is to prison 10 years only because tear picture Bhumipol King.Law prosecution about YouTube it can give imprisonment reach 15 years for YouTube leader.


Anonymous said...

wew.. bagoes.. gitu adil
masa gua di ban gara2 video editing buatan gua sendiri sementara yg upload video ilegal bebas berkliaran. ga fair
kalau mau ban ban smua!
kalau mau dituntut di tuntut smua rame2, ga cm kayak random

Bang Jay said...

gua bingung interaksinya nih. lewat sini aja yah. gua dah ngelink tuh, link balik ye

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